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Each Mask is a Labor of


Sign up to Volunteer Today!


Founded on, inspired by, and existent because of the vision and efforts of MoCo Mask Makers, The Makana Project’s mission is to mobilize and empower individuals in the fight for public health through education, advocacy and the distribution of free handcrafted protective wear. 

Makana is the Hawaiian word for gift, reward, or donation. It also signifies the act

of giving or donating. It is common in Hawaiian culture to give a gift when visiting

someone’s home. The act of gift giving exemplifies the “aloha spirit,” which is

founded on mutual respect, taking care of one another and reciprocity. It is in this

spirit that The Makana Project continues MoCo Mask Makers’ mobilization of

caring individuals who donate their time and effort to make durable and

beautiful masks for anyone in our community in need of one. 

The making and distribution of cloth masks for no charge remains at the center

of our work. We are committed to staying true to our origins as a grassroots,

non-profit community organization. Going forward, we will focus on streamlining

logistics, outreach increasing community support and expanding the resources

available for makers, including teaching beginners to develop their skills. 

We welcome all volunteers to join us and rise to the challenge together! Mask On!

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The Numbers

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Request Masks


Do you need masks or ear savers? We're here to help! Masks are made and distributed by volunteers to individuals, businesses and organizations.





Whether or not you can sew, there are many ways to get involved.  Take a look at our volunteer form and see how you can help out today.






Don't have time to spare? Please help us by donating supplies for mask making so that we can help our community protect themselves.




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Montgomery County, Maryland

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